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Join the Bomenbuurt neighbourhood consultation!

The municipality of The Hague would like to hear from you about what is important when the squares and streets in the Bomenbuurt are renewed. The sewer needs to be replaced, which means that the streets and squares will need to be broken up – a unique opportunity to renew them. That way, we can make the Bomenbuurt a future-proof, safe and healthy neighbourhood.

Your opinion counts. Will you take part?

Do you have any ideas about what the streets and squares in the Bomenbuurt should look like in the future? Your ideas and opinions are important! Anyone who has received the invitation letter from the municipality and is aged 16 or over can apply to take part.  

What is the Bomenbuurt neighbourhood consultation? 

About 50 residents of the Bomenbuurt can take part in the Bomenbuurt neighbourhood consultation (Bomenbuurtberaad). They will be chosen by the drawing of lots. This group of people will exchange ideas about what is important for the Bomenbuurt when the streets and squares are renewed. They will do this during four meetings

At the final meeting, the Bomenbuurt neighbourhood consultation will give a ‘weighty advice’ to the municipality of The Hague. This means that the municipality will only act against the neighbourhood consultation’s advice if this is necessary for legal, financial or practical reasons.

What is it about? 
This neighbourhood consultation is about what the Bomenbuurt thinks is important when the streets and squares are renewed. After all, we want to use these spaces for many different things, like walking, playing, parking and enjoying nature. In this neighbourhood consultation, we ask those who take part to make the right choices together for the neighbourhood.

How do I apply? 
If you would like to take part, and if you have received the invitation letter, you can apply in one of two ways:

  • Scan the QR code in the letter and enter the code that you will also find in the letter.
  • Go to www.inwonerberaad.inschrijven.nl/bomenbuurtberaad and enter the code here. 

Multiple people living at the same address can apply with this code. You can apply until 15 September. 

NB: We want those who take part in the Bomenbuurt neighbourhood consultation to reflect the Bomenbuurt. That is why the drawing of lots will ultimately determine who can take part in the neighbourhood consultation. Not everyone who applies will be able to take part.   

Important information 

The Bomenbuurt neighbourhood consultation will take place from 21 October until 26 November. Four meetings will be held during that period. If you want to apply, you should keep the following in mind: 

  • You can take part if you are aged 16 or over.  
  • Multiple people living at the same address can apply. We are looking for a mix of women, men and people who identify differently; young and old; people with strong opinions and people without strong opinions.  
  • We expect you to take part in all meetings. The meetings will be on:
    • Monday 21 October in the evening
    • Saturday 26 October
    • Saturday 9 November
    • Tuesday 26 November in the evening
  • The meetings will take place in the Bomenbuurt.  
  • We will arrange dinner (for the evening meetings) or lunch (on Saturdays). You can tell us about any dietary requirements later.  
  • We would like everyone to be able to take part. If you need additional support to do so, we would be happy to look for a solution together.  

More information 

If you have any further questions, or if you would like to know more about the Bomenbuurt neighbourhood consultation, go to www.operatiebomenbuurt.denhaag.nl/Bomenbuurtberaad. You can also send an email to bomenbuurtberaad@denhaag.nl.   

Will you take part? Let your voice be heard! 

Kind regards,

Daniël van Drunen

District Director of Segbroek

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